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Step 2 - Continuing Healthcare (CHC)


NHS Continuing Healthcare is a package of care for adults over the age of 18 which is arranged and funded by the NHS.  It is available for people who have a 'primary health need'.  The process can sometimes be difficult to access for many people, yet it can make a tremendous difference in people's lives.


Some people can request and receive packages of care and support which are jointly arranged by the NHS and Local Authority.  Advocates, especially those appointed under the Care Act regulations, can support eligible people through this process.  Health Education England has developed an online training programme to enhance and develop the knowledge and application of NHS Continuing Healthcare to everyone involved in the process.

The topics covered within the online course include the legal background to NHS Continuing Healthcare policy, high quality assessment and decision-making, dealing with disputes, and skills training for staff involved in NHS Continuing Healthcare.  We have special

permission for advocates to access this free training course.

Register and complete NHS online training course

Watch introductory films

Watch this animated film from NHS England and NHS Improvement which describes personal health budgets and how these can be provided as part of continuing healthcare (CHC).

This public information film is a guide for individuals and their families to NHS Continuing Healthcare and what to expect throughout the assessment process.

Watch special webinar

Tina Sweeney is a senior manager within the personalised care team in NHS England.   In this presentation she looks at personalised care within CHC processes.The aim of this session is to increase your knowlegde, skills and confidence to support individuals to access a personal health budget. 

Access useful guidance and resources

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